As we enter the HOLY WEEK with the celebration of PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD, I want to reflect on the themes of LIFE AND DEATH, BOD- ILY DEATH, AND ETERNAL LIFE. DO WE TRULY BELIEVE IN ETERNAL LIFE? HOW SUCH AN ESSENTIAL CHRISTIAN BELIEF TRANSFORM OUR WAY OF LIFE on earth? When I was a child growing up in Southern France, there was no telephone, no television, no social media, and no fake news. To meet someone, we had to walk to their homes. The village news was shouted by an announcer walking through all the streets. Life was much simpler than today. Everyone was Catholic. There were no apparent attacks on the Church. However, the fundamental challenges of...
We just completed our Lenten 40 HOURS of ADORATION. I would like to thank God for the large number of parishioners who made this event most SPIRITUAL. If you did not come and adore Jesus for even a few minutes, you have missed the most epic display of the Blessed Sacrament in our chapel. Building on past years, our Altar Guild made it both majestic and simple. The 36 lights on the altar were shining in harmony, making the EUCHARISTIC FACE OF JESUS SHINING on those who came to adore Jesus in silence. Jesus was gazing upon each of us. The night hours of Adoration were particularly spectacular. It is in the silence of the night that I felt...
A young boy Tom while sitting at church asked his parents: " Who are these people on the windows? “These are the Saints" responded his dad... A few weeks later, the religious education teacher asked Tom: "Who are the saints?" He did not hesitate: "THESE ARE THE PEOPLE THROUGH WHOM THE LIGHT SHINES." "The SAINTS are the people through whom the light shines!". What an inspiring answer given by a child! The first time I heard this beautiful story was...
I would like to express my appreciation to the parishioners who helped organize a mini-pilgrimage to attend the Funeral Mass of our Founding Pastor Father Peter Alliata earlier this week. On an early, sunny morning, we boarded a school bus: we were 23 parishioners, including Deacon Bill and myself. Many of us had not been on a school bus for years! We prayed the Rosary. We also shared stories about Fr. Alliata who had led the first seven years of our parish: 1980-1987. It was a powerful and memorable experience. We arrived early so we could participate in the viewing and say goodbye individually to Fr. Alliata and pray for the repose of his soul. The Funeral Mass led by Cardinal Gregory was both spiritual and simple. The homily by his close friend ...
Praise the Lord! The first seven days of our OLHOC Lenten Journey have gone very well and brought much JOY! (I am writing this column on Tuesday). This is the JOY OF HEAVEN ON EARTH, a Joy that no one can take away from us: GOD never changes. We are the ones changing. GOD KEEPS LOVING US. HIS LOVE LASTS FOREVER. GOD NEVER ABANDONS US. He wants us to find the PEACE OF HEAVEN while we are still on earth. With God everything is possible. Trust in His Love and DO His WILL! ASH WEDNESDAY WAS truly HEAVEN ON EARTH! There was an AMAZING number of people (above 1,200) who...