One of our parishioners wrote me a beautiful letter sharing a recent spiritual experience, truly a sign from God and His mother. Having obtained permission and maintaining anonymity, I am sharing with you the entire letter: April 2, 2022 To: Rev. Fr. Alain Colliou, OLHOC Catholic Church Re: The Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Fatima “On Sunday, March 6, 2022, after the 11:30 am Holy Mass, I went and prayed before the image of the Divine Mercy. Thereafter, I went to pray before the Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Fatima. I knelt down on the right-side kneeler, bowed down my head and started praying. Then I raised my head to gaze at the Blessed Mother but.. I noticed....
GOD's MERCY IS INFINITE. On this Second Sunday of Easter, we rejoice in celebrating GOD's INFINITE MERCY. The devotion to Divine Mercy can be summarized in five words: "JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU". Since Pope John Paul II canonized Sister Faustina Kowalska on the Second Sunday of Easter in the Year 2,000, the Catholic Church celebrates DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY throughout the world. This is a day to remember that "Jesus, the Risen Lord, is God, and as God is all LOVE and MERCY, JESUS is also ALL LOVE and MERCY. We trust in Jesus' Infinite Merciful Love. Jesus is always ready to forgive us.” In the Gospel of this Divine Mercy Sunday, the RISEN LORD meets with his disciples for the first time (John 20:19-31). Following Jesus' Death, they had gathered together in the UPPER ROOM. They had locked the doors. They were afraid of being arrested and killed like their Master. We cannot imagine...
LET US ALL REJOICE: THE LORD IS RISEN! ALLELUIA! YES! HE IS TRULY RISEN! ALLELUIA! LET US ALL REJOICE IN THE RISEN LORD: HIS RESURRECTION ON THE THIRD DAY CHANGES SALVATION HISTORY ONCE AND FOR ALL! HIS RESURRECTION GIVES US HOPE IN ETERNAL LIFE". Do these repeated ALLELUIAS as messages of JOY and HOPE resonate in our hearts today? Are our hearts truly moved? Or do they remain lukewarm and indifferent? In these challenging times, we all need HOPE! Many of our brothers and sisters have faced much suffering through two long years of a Pandemic bringing fear and isolation. Many have stayed home even for two years not receiving the EUCHARIST. As we began celebrating Lent six weeks ago, a...
May we all have a most JOYFUL ENTRANCE INTO THE HOLY CITY OF JERUSALEM THIS “PALM SUNDAY”! As we WAVE HIGH the newly blessed PALMS and enter the Church in a solemn procession, our hearts are filled with JOY, the JOY of entering into Jerusalem with the KING OF GLORY, Our SAVIOR OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. This entrance for us today is the entrance into HOLY WEEK! It is the entrance into the PASCAL MYSTERY. It is the entrance into the TRIDUUM: HOLY THURSDAY, GOOD FRIDAY, AND EASTER VIGIL. Today, on Palm Sunday, we share the JOY of the crowd that has been accompanying JESUS from the top of the Mount of Olives (Luke 19:37-39): “As Jesus was approaching the slope of the MOUNT OF OLIVES, the whole multitude of his disciples began to praise God aloud with JOY for all the mighty deeds they had seen. They proclaimed: BLESSED IS THE KING WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD. Peace in Heaven and glory in the highest”. We too will cry out today: HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST! Unlike the crowd 2,000 years ago, we...