Through the prophet Isaiah, GOD INVITES ALL OF US: "COME TO ME: LISTEN, THAT YOU MAY HAVE LIFE" (Isaiah 55:3). THIS IS AN INVITATION TO CONVERSION. This is an invitation to the NEW COVENANT with God, leading to Eternal Life. This is an invitation to RETURN TO GOD. This is an invitation to leave behind our worldly foolishness and attachments to sin. This is an INVITATION TO RETURN TO THE CONFESSIONAL (RECONCILIATION with God) and return to MASS and the EUCHARIST. Because of the pandemic,...
GOD WANTS US TO REMEMBER the LITTLE EUCHARISTIC MIRACLE that happened at OLHOC last April. GOD WANTS US TO SHOW UTMOST REVERENCE and RESPECT for the EUCHARIST. GOD WANTS US TO REMEMBER the picture of the host with blood after having been abandoned for 15 hours on the floor of our church (see picture below). For the next five Sundays, GOD WANTS US to HEAR JOHN's ENTIRE CHAPTER SIX, all about the GREATEST MIRACLE ON EARTH: the transformation of the bread and wine into THE BODY and BLOOD of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, a miracle that occurs at every Mass and is much greater than our "little" Eucharistic miracle of last April. Every three years, in the Year of Mark and during the Summer, we hear...
Pope Francis has just established a NEW WORLD DAY From now on, every fourth Sunday of July, beginning SUNDAY JULY 25 this year, will be "WORLD DAY FOR GRANDPARENTS AND ELDERLY." The theme this year is: "I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS" based on the last verse of Matthew's Gospel (Matthew 28:20): "BEHOLD, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, UNTIL THE END OF THE AGE." Why having a new World Day to be celebrated by the entire Catholic Church in every parish in every country? Many countries...
"MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR YOU, FOR POWER IS MADE PERFECT IN WEAKNESS," says the LORD to PAUL in an amazing, private REVELATION (2 Corinthians 12:9). This second major Revelation to Paul is not as famous as the first one on the road to Damascus: "SAUL, WHY DO YOU PERSECUTE ME?" (Acts 9:4), which led Paul to a total CONVERSION from a persecutor of the first Christians to one of the greatest Christian evangelizers of all times. In my homilies last Sunday (8:30 am, 10 am and 1 pm), I invited...
We can all be thankful to God for the many gifts Fr. Ben has brought to our parish. This weekend we will all have plenty of opportunities to show him our appreciation. It is never easy to say goodbye. In French we simply say " Aurevoir", which literally means: "See you again!" In the last 10 years our parish has been blessed with five parochial vicars: Fr. John, Fr. Lopez, Fr. Santiago, Fr. Philip and Fr. Ben. Each one brought us their pastoral experience of parishes they served before joining us. Each one brought us their very rich personal experience (including in four different countries of origin: USA, Ecuador, Spain and Chile). All of us, parishioners, volunteers, staff and clergy have benefitted greatly from such a diversity of pastoral experiences. I recall the shock many of you had when...