As we enter the four weeks of ADVENT, may we all focus on JESUS, may we all KEEP OUR EYES ON JESUS. Our parish THEME this Advent is: RECONCILIATION-EUCHARIST- ADORATION. We are invited to reconcile with JESUS (OLHOC Advent Penance Service 7 pm Monday, December 13), to be totally with HIM (HIS Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity) at every Mass, every EUCHARIST (the greatest miracle on earth) and to ADORE HIM in silence, keeping our...
"JESUS CHRIST is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and RULER OF THE KINGS OF THE EARTH...Behold, HE is coming amid the clouds, and EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM, even those who pierced HIM." We have just reached the end of the Liturgical Year. We celebrate CHRIST THE KING and can meditate on the above beginning of the last Book of the Bible: Revelation (1:5-8). I was touched by those five words: "EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM !" Every eye, everyone without exception will see Him even those who have pierced His Heart with major sins. HE IS THE KING OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. HE is the Ruler and the King of everyone! Last week...
You may have noticed that over the last few weeks we have begun to display different color pictures on the cover of the printed version of the Weekly Bulletin. Last week, many of you had no problems recognizing on our cover picture one of the two "young" saints surrounding Sister Rosario at the end of the All-Saints Mass: Mother Teresa is so easily recognized with the blue/white colors of her sari. The other Saint was the Blessed Virgin Mary, the greatest of all the saints. Looking at all the children " Saints" before they processed in the church, I had to ask some of them: SAINT WHO? You may be familiar with...
My great JOY on ALL SAINTS DAY was that our church was packed with children and their parents! I had nothing to do with this little miracle...This was due to the initiative of Sister Rosario, our Coordinator of Religious Education, with the support of all our CCD teachers and aides. Instead of CCD classes last Monday evening, the entire focus was for CHILDREN, Youth, and their parents to participate in the ALL SAINTS MASS and have a procession with many children dressed as their favorite SAINT. We felt the presence of the Saints in our church: they are an integral part of the Church, and we worship with them at every Mass. Another little miracle was that...