Last week's Gospel (Matthew 16:13-20) proclaimed the Good News that SIMON PETER IS THE ROCK (Petros in Greek) UPON WHICH JESUS WILL BUILD HIS CHURCH and nothing shall prevail against it. After the Ascension of Jesus into heaven and the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles at Pentecost, Peter, transformed by the Holy Spirit, will become the human leader of Jesus' Church on earth (the first Pope) while Jesus in heaven will remain the Head of the Church. The people believing in Jesus Christ and in His Church are the body of the Church, the Body of Christ. While we consider PENTECOST the formal birth of Jesus' Church, we can say the conception of Jesus' church took place before Jesus' Passion and Death on the Cross, as narrated so powerfully in the amazing dialogue between Jesus and Simon Peter in Matthew's chapter 16: Jesus had been asking his disciples: "Who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter is the one who responds, "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." (Matthew 16:16) Jesus recognizes that Simon Peter's profession of faith in Jesus being both the Messiah and God himself has been inspired not by men but by God, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Heavenly Father. And so, I say to you, you are Peter (Petros, rock in Greek) and upon this rock I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:17-18) Every Sunday Mass...
Just before the noon Mass last Sunday, one parishioner asked me, "Father, how are you doing?" The tone of the voice seemed to imply some concern for my health. Sometimes in the past, I may have responded, “I am ok." (which means... I could be much better...), but last Sunday, I did not hesitate and responded with much joy, "I am doing very well. The Lord is good to me. HE IS IN CHARGE! I have nothing to worry about! Praise the Lord." ONLY GOD IS IN CHARGE, no one else. We depend totally on God. Without God, we are nothing. With God everything is possible. GOD has created us because He loves us. He wants us to love Him and return to Him. HE WANTS TO SAVE US from all evil. HE is our only HOPE! HE TAKES AWAY ALL OUR FEARS AND WORRIES! THROUGH HIS SON JESUS CHRIST, OUR SAVIOR, HE WANTS OUR HEARTS TO BE FILLED WITH JOY! JOY NOW AND FOREVER! We just have to TRUST IN JESUS and let the HOLY SPIRIT guide our steps! This is easy to say, it is not so easy to put it in practice. Yes, like many of you, I...
Last Sunday, I encouraged you to read again the amazing Gospel of Jesus walking on the water (Matthew 14:22-33) and put yourself in the story of this powerful encounter of Jesus with his disciples in the middle of a storm on the Sea of Galilee. I hope that you could find the time to do so and that one word or one sentence from Jesus or his disciples brought you much HOPE! One parishioner let me know that this Gospel helped him to deal with the fear of the current pandemic, and the phrase that resonated in his heart was: "TAKE COURAGE, IT IS I, DO NOT BE AFRAID." These are the words of Jesus trying to calm down the disciples in the boat who were terrified and had cried out in fear, "IT IS A GHOST." Jesus is speaking to all of us. He is not a ghost. He makes himself present in the storms of our lives, including the current pandemic. He is present so that we can ask for HIs support, JESUS SAVE ME! JESUS HELP ME! I have spoken to you several times about the need to ...
We just celebrated the Feast Day of St John Vianney, one of the greatest saints and also the patron saint of all priests (August 4). This was the day Hurricane Isaias unleashed high winds and heavy rains in our area. While it was difficult to make it to the 9 am Mass, about ten brave souls attended. At the time of consecration, the lights began to flicker...reminding us that we are not in charge. By the end of the Mass the effect of Hurricane Isaias had much diminished and we could enjoy the peaceful gathering of our Scripture Prayer Group in the Narthex (our usual Tuesday meeting). We ...