We just received some good news, Archbishop Gregory will visit our parish to celebrate the 5 pm Saturday Vigil Mass on September 19th to close the celebration of our 40th anniversary; please mark your calendars. Our parish was established by Cardinal Hickey on September 15, 1980 and on Tuesday, September 15th our parish will turn 40 years. We would also like to honor the current parishioners who have been members from the very beginning (e.g. Special Blessing by the Archbishop just before the beginning of the 5 pm Mass) and would appreciate it if you could let our office know whether you will be available or not on that day (if you cannot come, we would still like to recognize you). Any other suggestions for the closing of our 40th year are most welcome ([email protected]). We plan to discuss them at the August 13 meeting of our Parish Council. Stay tuned for more detailed information around the end of August. We are also excited to share some good news...
Many times we hear people questioning the existence of a loving God because they experience so many sufferings in their own lives or in their own families or in their own countries. As a Christian response to sufferings, I have used more and more St Paul's famous quote, "All things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). You will hear this quote this weekend as it is the first verse of our second reading, and I invite you to reflect on how St Paul's words (truly inspired by God) can help you face your daily challenges. We know that for God everything is possible. We also know that GOD IS LOVE. He loves everyone without exception, and He wants us to return His Love. As Jesus teaches us, "God's greatest commandment is to love Him with all your heart, and all your soul and all your mind" (Matthew 22:35-40). Because He loves us totally and is all-powerful, everything happening to us individually is God's own will and part of His plan for us. God is involved in all things. It is easy to believe this when...
Are you looking for a Christian experience that will change your life? Whenever we go to attend Mass, we can be transformed not only by receiving Jesus Himself in the Eucharist, but also by hearing the Word of God. I have spoken much to you about the central role of the Eucharist in our Christian lives. Today, I want to focus on the amazing Power of the Word of God. Every time we hear the Gospel proclaimed at Mass, we hear Jesus speak to us. Jesus Himself is the Word of God: "In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God ...and the WORD became flesh, and lived among us, and we have seen His Glory" (Prologue of St John's Gospel). Jesus is the Incarnate Word of God, the Word made flesh. HE is both man and God. Jesus' words never change. His words as alive today as 2,000 years ago. Jesus says, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not change." St Anthony of Egypt is one of the most famous examples of having his life totally changed through hearing the Word of God at Mass. Anthony was a very young man (about 20) when both his parents died, and he inherited a large estate. He knew that his life was going to be totally different. He did not expect what God had in plan for him. As he was at Mass, Anthony heard...
In my homily last week, I made a short reference to the "end of time" in the context of the outbreak of the coronavirus. At the end of Mass, one parishioner asked me to clarify my statement that we should be ready for the end of time, and whether I could give more information on the Church's teaching on the end of time. My main point in the homily was that we should always be ready for the end of our individual time on earth (whether our natural death or the end of time for everyone together) and that is why regular confession is so important. I did not plan to say much about the end of time itself, but it is clearly a topic of interest to many. Some people have tried to interpret the unprecedented closing of churches for nearly three months as well as the growing rejection of God in our modern society as trials and possible signs from God that the world as we know it may come to an end sooner rather than later. When I asked the question: "Are you ready for the end of time?", I did not imply that the end of time was coming very soon but that WE...
I have just finished reading Cardinal Sarah' s recent book: "THE POWER OF SILENCE: Against the Dictatorship of Noise.” If you want to improve your prayer life and be able to hear God speak to you personally, I invite you to read this book and I can assure you that you will find at least "one gem" that can help your unique relationship with God. It is a free gift that you cannot refuse: since our parish has access to FORMED (click here to access "The Power Of Silence:Against the Dictatorship of Noise"). This book is so rich with so many insights that I will not attempt to summarize it. I will simply give you an example on how it has helped one of our parishioners who for the last few months has been very sick and is bed-ridden. To maintain confidentiality, I will call this parishioner John. Throughout his life,..