Today I give some further reflection on my encounter with the "Little Prince" of our neighborhood and his young friends while "Walking in Waldorf" (See my column of last week).
FIRST, several of you have commented on the refreshing "innocence" and "humility" of these young children. Yes! We live in a world where innocence and humility are being lost. Jesus constantly reminds us that we need to be "like little children" to enter Heaven. How can we be child-like? By being truly HUMBLE as a little child in presence of God OUR FATHER and Mary OUR MOTHER) and by TRUSTING totally IN GOD (as a little child trusting in his parents).
In answer to his disciples’ question “who is the greatest in Heaven?", Jesus calls a child whom he puts among them and says: “Unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven." (Matthew 18: 3-4)
Saint Therese of the Child Jesus better known as "LITTLE FLOWER" (whose Feast we just celebrated on October 1st) is the best recent example of being CHILD-LIKE. She promoted the "Little Way" of life to lead us to Heaven: doing little things humbly with great love. I encourage you to read her autobiography "STORY OF A SOUL”. This may change your life. It is one of the most powerful spiritual books: written in clear and simple language accessible to everyone.
SECOND, as promised last week, here are the short answers I gave to the "Little Prince" of Waldorf. You can see that each of my short answers leads to his next question:
Question 1: Have you MET GOD?
Answer: I have met God through HIS SON JESUS who is both MAN and GOD.
Question 2: Do you KNOW JESUS?
Answer: Jesus is my BEST FRIEND IN HEAVEN.
Question 3: How does one GO TO HEAVEN?
Question 4: If I SIN can I go to Heaven?
Answer: Yes, if you ask for Jesus' FORGIVENESS. JESUS ALWAYS LOVES YOU. JESUS gave me as his priest the POWER TO FORGIVE people who are sorry.
Question 5:"HOW IS HEAVEN?"
Answer: We know that in Heaven, we will BE WITH GOD FOREVER. There will be NO PAIN. THERE WILL BE ONLY LOVE
THIRD, this was the first time in my 13 years of priesthood that a group of unknown, little children asked me to PRAY FOR them. This was also the first time that I PRAYED OVER a group of "strangers" in a street. It reminds me of the JOY I have to PRAY OVER people at end of HEALING MASSES: feeling the PRESENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT entering the hearts of those coming forward for a special blessing. In the last two months we have re-established our monthly healing service, following the 7 pm Mass on third Sundays. JOIN US at next HEALING MASS at 7 PM next Sunday OCTOBER 16! ALSO INVITE A FRIEND IN NEED of physical, emotional or spiritual healing!
May the HOLY SPIRIT help us in being more humble, by accepting our littleness, weaknesses/ sufferings and by strengthening our TRUST in JESUS.
Heavenly Father, increase our Faith!
One in Christ,
Fr. Alain