How are you doing Father? This was the question a parishioner asked me recently with a worried tone of voice...Without thinking my answer was immediate: “I AM TOTALLY AT PEACE ! Later on I reflected on that response which the parishioner seemed to take by surprise: clearly someone who had not seen me for quite some time but may had heard of my stroke seven months ago and was genuinely worried about my well-being. My question to all of you is not “how are You doing today”? But rather “Are You at Peace?”
Peace comes from God. Throughout my 14 years of priesthood, I learned everyone is suffer- ing, everyone is looking for Peace , but only God can give us Peace. Like Faith and Hope, Peace is a Gift from God. Like Joy and Love, Peace is a Fruit of the Holy Spirit. We all want Peace: Peace in the World, Peace in the Church, Peace in our Hearts. Are you at Peace today?
We just celebrated our Lenten Penance Service. Peace could be felt in our entire church. Let’s give thanks to the Lord for the nine priests who were present. Peace comes from Rec- onciliation with God, and with our brothers and sisters. We cannot be at Peace when we have not forgiven those who have hurt us and when we have not asked forgiveness from those whom we have hurt. Without forgiveness there can be no Love, no Joy, no Peace as our hearts keep hurting, as our hearts remain troubled.
God loves each one of you as you are. God has a wonderful Plan for each one of you. Like the little sparrows, do not worry about tomorrow. God will provide. Trust in Him! His Providence, His Mercy and His Love are infinite. God is with you today, tomorrow and forever. Our Peace comes from the awareness that we are children of God since our baptism and the belief our souls will never die.
In this Sunday’s Gospel, we are all remained that God loves each one of us so much that He sent His Only Son Jesus Christ into the world so that we can be saved and have eternal Life with Him: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John 3:16). When we believe in Jesus Christ (Faith) we find Peace in knowing the He will save us and give us that Joy of being with Him today and forever.
Jesus reminds all of us: “ Come to me all who are weary and I will give you REST !” (Matthew 11:28)
Are you at Peace? Are you totally at peace?
One in Christ,
Fr. Alain
Como esta Padre? Esta fue una pregunta que me hizo un parroquiano recientemente con un tono de voz de preocupacion...Sin pensar respondi inmediatamente: “ESTOY TOTAL- MENTE EN PAZ ! Mas tarde reflexionando sobre esa respuestas con la cual el parroquiano fue tomado por sorpresa: claramente quien no me habia visto por algun tiempo pero que habia escuchado que tuve un derrame cerebral hace siete meses y que realmente estaba preocupado por mi bienestar. Mi pregunta para ustedes no es: Como estan hoy”? Sino que “Estan en Paz?”
La Paz viene de Dios. A traves de mis 14 anos de sacerdocio, se que todos sufrimos, y todos buscamos la Paz, pero solo Dios puede darnosla. Asi como la Fe y la Esperanza, la Paz es un regalo de Dios. Como la Alegria y el Amor, Paz es el Fruto del Espiritu Santo. Todos queremos Paz: Paz en el Mundo, Paz en la Iglesia, Paz en nuestros corazones. Esta en Paz hoy?
Recientemente celebramos nuestro Servicio de Penitencia de Cuaresma. La Paz se podia sentir en toda la Iglesia. Demos gracias de Dios por los nueve sacerdotes que estuvieron presentes. Paz viene de la reconciliacion con Dios, y con nuestros hermanos y hermanas. No podemos estar en Paz cuando no perdonamos a quien nos ha herido y cuando no pedimos perdon cuando a quienes hemos herido. Sin el perdon no podemos Amar, ni Alegrarnos, ni tener paz porque nuestros corazones siguen heridos y estan en problemas.
Dios nos ama a todos como somos. Dios tiene un plan maravillosa para cada uno. LComo los pajarillos, no se preocupan del mañana. Dios siempre provee. Confien en EL! En Su providencia, Su misericordia y su amor son infinitos. Dios esta con usted hoy, mañana y siempre. Nuestra Paz proviene de saber que somos hijos de Dios desde nuestro Bautismo y en la fe de que nuestra alma nunca morira.
En el Evangelio de este domingo, se nos recuerda que Dios nos ama tanto que envio a su Hijo unico Jesucristo al mundo para que seamos salvados y tengamos vida eterna con El: “Por que Dios amo tanto al mundo que dio a su unico Hijo, para que todos quienes creemos en el, no perescamos sino que tengamos vida eterna (Juan 3:16). Cuando creemos en Jesucristo (Fe) encontramos paz en saber que El nos salvara y nos dara la alegria de estar con El hoy y para siempre.
Jesus nos dice: “ Vengan a mi todos los cansados y agobiados que Yo les dare DESCANSO!” (Mateo 11:28)
Esta en Paz? Esta totalmente en Paz?
Uno en Cristo,
Padre Alain