I would like to share with you a beautiful experience about the Eucharist and the Cross. It happened at Mass last Sunday when one of our little children had a vision at the very moment of the Elevation of the Consecrated Host and then of the Chalice. To maintain privacy and anonymity, the parents have allowed me to share that experience with you provided that I do not mention any name but simply refer to "a little child".
Here is the vision in the child's own words: “I SAW THE BREAD WAS GROWING A SKIN COLOR. KINDA LIKE THE SKIN ON THE CROSS BUT A LITTLE BIT LIGHTER.” That vision occurred at the time I was ELEVATING THE CONSECRATED HOST after pronouncing the WORDS OF THE LORD at the Last Supper: "Take this, all of you, and EAT OF IT, for THIS IS MY BODY, WHICH WILL BE GIVEN UP FOR YOU." Those words of our Lord are a clear link between the Institution of THE EUCHARIST and the forthcoming Passion and Death of our Lord on THE CROSS: Jesus dying for all our sins once for all. It is amazing that a "little child" would have a vision of that connection: seeing the color of the Consecrated Host changing to be nearly identical to that of the Body of Jesus hanging on the large Cross above our tabernacle. We know that little children are in so many ways closer to God than most adults. We also know that with God everything is possible, and He may have given that little child an early experience of the "Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist."
Then the little child's vision continued: "I saw THE CUP WAS EMPTY, AND THEN JESUS's BLOOD WENT INTO IT FROM THE CROSS FILLING IT UP". That second and last vision occurred when I ELEVATED THE CHALICE after saying the words of Jesus to his disciples: "Take this, all of you, and DRINK FROM IT, for THIS IS THE CHALICE OF MY BLOOD, the blood of the new and eternal covenant, which will be POURED OUT for you and for many FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS. DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME." Once again, here is the link between THE EUCHARIST AND THE CROSS: Jesus, the Son of GOD, gave up HIS BODY on the Cross for our Salvation, and from His pierced Heart on the Cross flows the BLOOD of the Sacrificed LAMB, Blood of the Old and New Covenant. Jesus dying on the Cross is the true LAMB whose BLOOD redeems our Sins once for all. For a little child, at the moment of the Elevation, the HOST is fully visible and is comparable to the Flesh of the Body of Christ on the Cross just above the Tabernacle. However, the elevated Chalice does not show the Blood of Christ. One can see only the exterior of the Chalice. When elevated, the Chalice can be seen by all as being in front of the large Corpus of Jesus on the Cross, and a little child can make the beautiful link between the visible blood coming out of His pierced Heart (one can see some blood on Jesus' side). We believe that Jesus can make everything possible. We also know how much HE loves little children and HE keeps encouraging us to be like little children, humble and trusting, so as to have eternal Life. Jesus can use little children to inspire youth and adults. I will never forget the little child that told me "I was born in Heaven", such an insightful truth for all of us. I am sure that all of you can share inspirational stories coming out of little children.
In addition to the above vision which the little child shared with me directly after Mass, the parents told me that when I was about to consume the Consecrated Host, their child asked "why we eat Jesus" and later said that “Father is going to taste it because it is different.”.. After Mass, their child said "I feel like it is my birthday...I feel different now." I too feel different now. I have been touched by this amazing encounter between a little child and Jesus, Jesus in the Eucharist and Jesus on the Cross.
I hope that we can all meditate this LENTEN season on "THE REAL PRESENCE OF JESUS FEEDING US IN THE EUCHARIST AND SAVING US ON THE CROSS". May we all keep the association of these two related presences as we enter this first week of LENT and come this ASH WEDNESDAY attend Mass, receive the Eucharist and hear the priest say: "REPENT AND BELIEVE IN THE GOSPEL" when distributing ashes, or as we attend this Thursday (February 18) the first session of "THE GIFT OF
LOVE" (No greater Love than dying for one's friend) or participate in the Stations of the Cross this Friday (2:30 pm and 7 pm February 19).
In this Year of St Joseph, let us also remember ST JOSEPH as the savior of the Savior: St Joseph saving baby Jesus by taking Him to Egypt away from Herod (Matthew 2:13-15), and let us begin the 33-day CONSECRATION TO ST JOSEPH this Monday, February 15. As one parishioner reminded me, a special invitation goes to all men of OLHOC for whom St Joseph can be a model as "Holy Husband and Holy Father", an example of perfect Fidelity. Let us also remember St Joseph as "protector of the Universal Church". Without St Joseph, we would not have the Eucharist nor the Cross.
May we all have a most blessed Lenten Season. May we all avail ourselves of the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession ) and the Eucharist (when in the state of Grace). May we all prepare for the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord (HOLY WEEK AND EASTER) through forty days of fasting, almsgiving and prayer. May we all associate the GIFT OF LOVE with the EUCHARIST and the CROSS!
St Joseph, savior of the Savior and protector of the Church, pray for us!
One in Christ,
Fr. Alain