TAKE COURAGE! DO NOT BE AFRAID! Last Sunday, I encouraged you to read again the amazing Gospel of Jesus walking on the water (Matthew 14:22-33) and put yourself in the story of this powerful encounter of Jesus with his disciples in the middle of a storm on the Sea of Galilee. I hope that you could find the time to do so and that one word or one sentence from Jesus or his disciples brought you much HOPE! One parishioner let me know that this Gospel helped him to deal with the fear of the current pandemic, and the phrase that resonated in his heart was, "TAKE COURAGE, IT IS I, DO NOT BE AFRAID.” These are the words of Jesus trying to calm down the disciples in the boat who were terrified and had cried out in fear, "IT IS A GHOST.” Jesus is speaking to all of us. He is not a ghost. He makes himself present in the storms of our lives, including the current pandemic. He is present so that we can ask for His support: JESUS SAVE ME! JESUS HELP ME!
I have spoken to you several times about the need to move from FEAR to TRUST, from FEAR OF THE CORONAVIRUS to TRUST IN JESUS. The pandemic is a challenge but also an opportunity. It is a challenge because it is leading to suffering and uncertainty throughout the world. It is an opportunity as it takes us away from our comfort zones, and moves us toward a renewed relationship with God, a renewed relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a challenge because social distancing and isolation are changing our daily routines and relationships. It is a challenge because the devil is seeding doubts in our hearts about the Love of God. It is an opportunity to deepen our Faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior. One of our long-time parishioners shared the following lines on the Internet, "Make sure you test positive for FAITH. Keep your distance from DOUBT and isolate yourself from FEAR. TRUST IN JESUS THROUGH IT ALL." It is a time of PRAYER (pray daily with family at home, attend Sunday Mass with children, attend one Holy Hour). It is a time to read the Bible daily (also attend weekly Scripture Prayer Groups/ Lectio Divina). It is a time to deepen the understanding of our Faith (Join the new CA/RCIA program starting September 9th, sign up at [email protected]). It is a time to register our children for religious education beginning end of September, here is the link: (CCD Registration). It is a time to reach out to those isolated. It is a time to invite your family and friends to return to church and attend Mass. I invite you to write and share your own reflection on the challenges and opportunities of the pandemic storm.
We are excited that our parish activities are beginning to return to normal. We are progressing at a slow but steady pace so as to maintain a safe environment and allow for some flexibility as we learn from experience. Your feedback and suggestions are much appreciated ([email protected]). My prayer is that we will all put our fears aside and keep our eyes on Jesus, our treasure is in heaven, not on earth. My prayer is that more parishioners will put their trust in Jesus and will return to attend weekend Masses regularly. My prayer is that we can all affirm, "Jesus, I believe that you make yourself present in all the storms of our lives. Jesus, remind us that that trusting in you, the only thing we need to do is to ask for your help.”
As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary end of this week (7 pm Vigil Mass tomorrow, Friday, August 14th and 9 am Mass, Saturday, August 15th), let us turn toward our parish patroness Saint Mary Help of Christians and say with St Louis de Montfort, in the prayer of Consecration to Jesus through Mary:
“I, an unfaithful sinner, renounce forever Satan, his empty promises and evil designs, and I give myself completely to Jesus Christ to carry my cross after him for the rest of my life...This day, I choose you Mary as my Mother and Queen. I surrender and consecrate myself to you... O admirable Mother, present me to your dear Son as his slave, now and for always so that he who redeemed me through you, will now receive me through you..."