Why do we have mentors to our Confirmation Preparation program. Simply because our Catholic Faith is one of relationship: relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another. Generations of young people will grow in spiritual maturity as they rely on the adults of the community to share their faith journeys; to help them to pray; to challenge their choices when such choices are not of God; to engage the young people in acts of Christian service; and to provide the youth with a listening ear and compassionate heart.
In any given gathering at church there are as many different relationships with God as there are people in the pews. Each individual is on a personal faith journey, yet we don't walk alone; our paths intersect. We need to be ready and willing to share our journey with others, especially the younger generation looking for assurance that God exists, that Jesus Christ is truly the Son of God, and that Jesus desires to have his Holy Spirit strengthen the gifts of our Baptism if we but only ask in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
To volunteer to serve as a mentor for our confirmands, please click here.
The role of a Confirmation sponsor is very similar to that of a Godparent at Baptism. Very often this is the same person as the Godparent. If that's not possible, the sponsor may be a particular member of the family (excluding parents) with whom the confirmand feels a close spiritual connection, or sometimes a member of the faith community who serves as a role model for the young person. The sponsor supports the confirmand in his/her faith journey toward the Sacrament of Confirmation and presents him/her to the Bishop on the evening of Confirmation...
... But it doesn't end there! The sponsor is making a lifetime commitment to pray for the young person, and to help guide him/her to live a full, active life as a disciple of Jesus Christ: growing in his/her personal relationship with Christ, serving the poor through Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, continuing to learn more about the Catholic faith, and being active in the life of the parish. At Our Lady Help of Christians, it means encouraging the "newly confirmed" to take advantage of the programs and opportunities available to our youth, each of which is offered to continue to strengthen and encourage the young people in their faith journey.
Today's reality is that many sponsors live at a great distance from the confirmand and are, therefore, not available to attend workshops and other events for Confirmation preparation. Nevertheless, the sponsor can be supportive and encouraging by email, phone, skype, etc. Sponsors are also welcome to join our OLHOC email lists to keep informed as to what is being offered at our parish so they can encourage the participation of the young people.
For more information about eligibility requirements for SPONSORS
and to download the eligibility form, please click here.