We, at Our Lady Help of Christians, look forward to working with your family as together we walk along with you on this journey of faith toward Confirmation and lead to a richer participation in the mystery of Christ and share in the mission of His Church.
Under the guidance of the pastor, the candidate’s “home parish” is responsible for the preparation and celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Students who attend Catholic School, public school and attend Children’s Faith Formation Classes (CCD), or are homeschooled come together as one parish to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. While the Catholic school provides excellent academic formation, the sacramental preparation program provides the opportunity for the candidate to put their faith in practice in the parish and in the wider community and to come together with the other youth as one parish.
Before you request enrollment in this Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation, please take a moment to read the information below and see if your son/daughter meets the following requirements: