Ministry Opportunities for Confirmation Students in Years 1 and 2
Please submit by October 28th
During both years of Confirmation preparation, students engage serve in a ministry or ministries of the parish. One of the years, service must include a Liturgical Ministry throughout the year:
LITURGICAL MINISTRY (related to the celebration of the Mass):
Altar Servers are highly essential in aiding God’s people to worship in the best possible way. The primary role of the Altar Server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy.
The Altar Guild is a quiet ministry of the Lord, dedicated to helping the church reflect the beauty of God’s love for his people. Altar Guild members offer their time and effort to maintain the sacramental linens (wash and iron), Priest albs and vestments, and other duties. They are also responsible for coordinating the altar cloth with the liturgical calendar, and decorating the church for Christmas, Easter and special occasions.
Greeters - Welcoming people and making them feel at home is one way in which Greeters help build up the Church. Hospitality is a vital element in creating a sense of community of worship. A person who feels welcomed and valued is much more likely to enter wholeheartedly into the celebration of the liturgy, giving thanks to God for the love that God pours out on us.
Youth Lectors of Middle School age read the Prayers of the Faithful during Youth Masses (once a month). Volunteers must have good public speaking and reading skills.
Music Ministers lead worship through song (vocal/instrumental) to enable the full, active participation of the congregation in the liturgy. Our Lady Help of Christians has a different choir at each Mass, as well as a youth choir that ministers at our monthly Youth Mass and other liturgies throughout the year. All of these choirs welcome singers and instrumentalists of all ages.
Ushers assist parishioners in finding seats, take up the collection, distribute the parish bulletin, and provide hospitality to the parishioners and guests who attend Our Lady Help of Christians on weekends and holy days.
Serve as a Teen Aide for Faith Formation
become a teen buddy with one of our Special Needs CCD class students
assist as a teen aide during our summer week of Vacation Bible School (VBS)
assist in decorating and creating props for VBS during our VBS Work Week
assist in maintaining cleanliness and orderliness of classrooms
assist with creation of new bulletin board displays, and other artistic endeavors
Participate in Community Outreachprojects
serve a meal to those in need at Shepherd's Table
prepare snack bags for Shepherd's Table attendees
prepare and help deliver food baskets at Thanksgiving and Christmas
assist with Christmas in April projects
assist with other opportunities that arise
assist with Youth Service: Breakfast with St Nick, Shrove Tuesday Dinner,Youth Living Stations of the Cross, prepare snack bags for Shepherd's Table attendees
assist with other opportunities that arise
Serve the Homeboundmembers of our Faith Community who cannot come to the church building any more
accompany Homebound Eucharistic Ministers next door to Morningside House to pray with the residents there
visit with seniors to play games, read books, pray, and simply spend time
become a penpal, make crafts, create holiday cards for those who cannot celebrate liturgies with us at church
Serve on the Digital Outreach Committee
lend your techy skills to help ensure classroom computers, tvs, and peripherals are functioning properly
ensure OLHOC tablets are clean, charged, and functioning properly
frequently watch parish website for things that are incorrect or out-of-date
assist with social media accounts as permitted by parents
photograph parish activities and events and submit photos to OLHOC