GOD WANTS US TO REMEMBER the LITTLE EUCHARISTIC MIRACLE that happened at OLHOC last April. GOD WANTS US TO SHOW UTMOST REVERENCE and RESPECT for the EUCHARIST. GOD WANTS US TO REMEMBER the picture of the host with blood after having been abandoned for 15 hours on the floor of our church (see picture below). For the next five Sundays, GOD WANTS US to HEAR JOHN's ENTIRE CHAPTER SIX, all about the GREATEST MIRACLE ON EARTH: the transformation of the bread and wine into THE BODY and BLOOD of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, a miracle that occurs at every Mass and is much greater than our "little" Eucharistic miracle of last April.
Every three years, in the Year of Mark and during the Summer, we hear the entirety of Chapter 6 of John's Gospel in five consecutive Sundays (17th through 21st Sundays of Ordinary Time, Cycle B). Mark's is the shortest Gospel, and this leaves space to hear about one of the most important Chapters of the entire Bible: John 6!
If a non-Catholic Christian asks, "Why do you Catholics believe in the REAL PRESENCE of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist?" You can simply answer in three words: JOHN CHAPTER SIX!
John Chapter 6 begins with the miraculous multiplication of the bread (John 6:1-15) which we will hear this coming weekend and then goes on with the Jesus' BREAD OF LIFE discourse, where Jesus proclaims: "I AM THE LIVING BREAD that came down from Heaven; WHOEVER EATS THIS BREAD WILL LIVE FOREVER; and THE BREAD that I will give IS MY FLESH FOR THE LIFE OF THE WORLD." (John 6:51).
You may have noticed the newly written message posted in OLHOC letter form on the entrance door to the Church. It first describes the New Protocol at Mass and then refers to the importance to respect Holy Ground of the House of God (the Church) and the respect and to show utmost reverence to the Eucharist:
WEAR A MASK if you are not vaccinated or if you feel more comfortable in wearing one.REMEMBER, YOU ARE NOW ENTERING HOLY GROUND: THE HOUSE OF GOD, CREATOR of Heaven and Earth, and HAVING ALL POWER over your life.
BE aware and RESPECTFUL of the REAL PRESENCE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IN THE TABERNACLE. JESUS has died to give you the BREAD OF LIFE on earth and ETERNAL LIFE IN HEAVEN, not to perpetuate your physical life in this passing world.
Throughout the next five weeks, I invite everyone to go back to your Bibles and meditate on John's Chapter 6. Begin with the first 15 verses: this week's multiplication of the bread. As you read those verses slowly, reflect on their relationship with the EUCHARIST AND THE MASS as the EUCHARISTIC BANQUET, a preview of the ETERNAL FEAST WITH GOD IN HEAVEN. I will comment only on three verses:
VERSE 2: "A large crowd followed Jesus because they saw the signs he was performing on the sick." We gather as a large ASSEMBLY at every SUNDAY MASS to BE WITH JESUS, because we believe HE CAN HEAL US of our sickness, which is our spiritual illness: sinfulness. The Mass starts with the Penitential Rite, " I confess to Almighty God that I have sinned..."EVERY MASS IS A HEALING MASS WITH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Jesus said that he had come into the world to help sinners. Jesus is present at every Mass through the priest (in persona Christi), the altar (Jesus is both the Victim and the High Priest in the sacrifice of the Mass), the Scriptures (especially the Gospel), the entire Assembly (being the Body of Christ, the Church), and the EUCHARIST (Jesus really present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. THE EUCHARIST IS A HEALING SACRAMENT! We come to Mass to encounter Jesus Christ and to be HEALED SPIRITUALLY!
VERSES 10-11: "Jesus said HAVE THE PEOPLE RECLINE...Then Jesus TOOK the loaves, GAVE THANKS and DISTRIBUTED them to those who were reclining." You can see in these words the beginning of the CONSECRATION Prayer at Mass: JESUS TOOK BREAD AND GIVING THANKS BROKE IT and GAVE IT TO HIS DISCIPLES SAYING: TAKE THIS ALL OF YOU AND EAT OF IT FOR THIS IS MY BODY....In Greek, the word EUCHARIST means GIVING THANKS. Jesus being represented by the priest also distributes the HOLY COMMUNION at every Mass. Jesus is inviting people to EAT when he is asking them to recline. One can imagine that not everyone chose to recline on that day. In the same way, Jesus does not invite everyone to receive the Eucharist, only those who are in state of GRACE! RECONCILIATION PRECEDES COMMUNION!
In this first World Day (July 25), may God bless all GRANDPARENTS AND ELDERLY in our parish and help them to pass on their FAITH to the younger generation.
One in Christ,
Fr. Alain