One of our parishioners wrote me a beautiful letter sharing a recent spiritual experience, truly a sign from God and His mother. Having obtained permission and maintaining anonymity, I am sharing with you the entire letter:
April 2, 2022
To; Rev. Fr. Alain Colliou, OLHOC Catholic Church
Re: The Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Fatima
“On Sunday, March 6, 2022, after the 11:30 am Holy Mass, I went and prayed before the image of the Divine Mercy. Thereafter, I went to pray before the Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Fatima.
I knelt down on the right-side kneeler, bowed down my head and started praying. Then I raised my head to gaze at the Blessed Mother but.. I noticed the Crucifix of the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Mother was raised up to her waist-line in front of the “little ball” of her pendant/necklace. The Crucifix was moving to and fro, to the left and to the right. As I gazed and watched, I didn’t know what to say or think. I looked back to my right and left side if there was a fan or a blower causing it to move... but the Crucifix raised to the level of her waist-line.. no fan or blower could possibly do that!!!
So, not knowing what to say, nor think, nor do, I just bowed down my head and continued pray- ing. After my prayer, I looked again, the Crucifix was still moving but very slowly to and fro until it finally stopped.
I couldn’t believe what I saw- was I being deceived or was it just my imagination?!! Nevertheless, I stood up and asked the Blessed Mother to please help me know what it might mean and what message she has for me. I promised her I would continue to recite the Rosary every day and asked her to help me pray with attention, love, and sincere devotion. Then I left. I didn’t even remember if the Crucifix stayed raised up or if it fell back down as it normally hung from her clasped hands.
I pondered about it for days. I told the Blessed Mother I will keep it to myself as her and my secret. But my mind is telling me to at least share it with Father Alain.
On Tuesday night, March 29, I told the Blessed Mother “I’m going to church tomorrow (Wednesday, March 30).” I said: “If Father Alain says the Holy Mass, and if I got the chance and courage to approach him after the Mass, I will tell him about what I saw on that Sunday, March 6.
Thank you, Father Alain, for your time, for listening, and for your prayers and blessings.
Let us continue to honor and love the Blessed Virgin Mary. Let us pray the Holy Rosary every day with love and sincere devotion.”
I hope you have found the above letter inspirational. This reminds me of my own experience of seeing the movement of the lips of Our Lady of Fatima’s statue (as already mentioned to you in my weekly column in the fall of 2019).
I invite you to come and spend some time in prayer kneeling at the foot of our beautiful Lady of Fatima and you too may receive a sign from God and His Mother.
One in Christ,
Father Alain