About 20 years ago, I was working in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region of the World Bank. We were helping some former communist countries associated with the Soviet Union to join the European Union by making recommendations on new economic policies. This gave me the opportunity to visit Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, and Bulgaria. On my first visit to Bulgaria, the Government officials invited us to a working dinner in a Russian restaurant. It was very dark. Practically no lights. Only a few candles on each table. The food was good. The discussion was intense. My napkin fell from my knees. I picked it up quickly. A few seconds later, one of the Bulgarian officials shouted: "YOUR HAIR IS ON FIRE!" I could not believe it. I did touch my hair (20 years ago, I HAD HAIR!) and yes they were burning! I smelled like the "burned skin of a chicken! I immediately ran to the restroom and poured lots of water on my head!!! I was embarrassed but it could have been worse. I could have had severe burn wounds. When picking up my fallen napkin, I inadvertently bumped my head against one of the candles!!!
What is the lesson of this old story? It is good to enjoy the natural light of a burning candle. Stay close to the candle so that you can see but do not stay too close as you could get burned. Natural fire is good when we do not touch it. However, the supernatural fire of the Holy Spirit is different.
Jesus makes a very profound, concise statement to his beloved disciples: "I HAVE COME TO SET THE EARTH ON FIRE". We are in Luke's chapter 12. Jesus is continuing his journey toward Jerusalem, where he knows he is going to die for us on a cross to redeem our sins and then rise from the dead being victor over death once and for all to give us eternal life! This is the detailed reason for his coming on earth: the ONLY Son of GOD becoming MAN! Jesus uses only five simple words for his reason to come on earth: SET THE EARTH ON FIRE! What is this Fire Jesus speaks about? Pope Benedict XVI interprets THIS FIRE AS "CHRIST's OWN PASSION OF LOVE. This is a FIRE that is to be handed on. Whoever comes close to him must be prepared to be burned. This is a FIRE that makes things bright and pure. Being a Christian then is daring to entrust oneself to this burning fire."
Through His death on the Cross and His Resurrection, Jesus is transforming the entire world once and for all. He is truly setting the earth on fire. His Fire destroys our sins and gives us eternal life. Jesus ' Fire transforms our hearts. Jesus' Fire is His GREAT LOVE FOR EACH OF US. Jesus' FIRE today is the HOLY SPIRIT, the SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST after He ascends into Heaven. We receive that Fire at Baptism when we DIE with CHRIST and become Transformed into a NEW PERSON, a CHILD OF GOD. We receive more of that FIRE at Confirmation: the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Every time we go to Confession, Jesus' Fire destroys our sins. Every time we come to Mass, we get close to Jesus: at every Mass, Jesus dies and rises for us. Every time we receive the Eucharist, Jesus' Fire enters into our hearts.
Every Mass we can recall the encounter of the Risen Lord with the two disciples on their way to EMMAUS (Luke's chapter 24). Their beloved master Jesus has died and his body has disappeared. They do not recognize the RISEN LORD walking with them but they love to hear more about His teaching and ask Him: STAY WITH US...the day is almost over. Jesus went to stay with them, then "when he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then THEIR EYES WERE OPENED and they recognized Him, and He disappeared from their sight. They asked each other WERE NOT OUR HEARTS BURNING WITHIN US while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" ( Luke 24:29-32).
ARE YOUR HEARTS BURNING? ARE YOUR HEARTS ON FIRE? Do not be afraid of getting CLOSE TO JESUS. Do not be afraid to be transformed by Jesus' Love for you. LET THE HOLY SPIRIT FILL YOUR HEARTS and help you change your lives. It is not sufficient that your hearts be lukewarm. Since our BAPTISM we are ALL CALLED TO HOLINESS! We are all called to share with everyone we encounter THE JOY of having found the fire of our LORD in our hearts.
Next time you watch a bonfire or imagine one in your mind, remember that you are one of the logs. As the fire of Jesus in your hearts takes away all your sins, all your wrong attachments to the world, you are being transformed: from a dark piece of wood, you become bright: you become transformed into glowing embers, which in turn helps other people (other logs in contact with you) to be transformed and in turn become "light" to others. Do not be afraid to get close to Jesus. Do not be afraid that your entire body ( ...including your hair...) may be on FIRE. Do not be afraid of the unknown. TRUST IN JESUS' LOVE FOR YOU!
Heavenly Father, help all of us to be transformed from "lukewarm" followers of Christ to "passionate" followers of Christ. Take away our fears. Make our hearts burn with the Love of your Son. Help us to be BRIGHT LIGHTS to others. As we strive to become saints, help us to inspire others to become saints.
One in Christ,
Fr. Alain