THIRD. As our society is losing a sense of sin, TECHNOLOGY is taking over many moral decisions: if it can be done technologically, it must be good, and it shall be done. While we recognize technology has helped reduce poverty and save lives, technology has also led mankind to have the nuclear capacity to destroy itself. Technology has also led "man" in his continuous search for power: we do not need God. We can do it ourselves. We can replace God. We have already cloned "sheep". Why can't we now clone "human beings"? Who can stop us? Like Adam and Eve, we want to be "masters" of our lives, we want to be in "control”. We can decide when life begins or when it should end (abortion, cloning, euthanasia). We can decide genders. We are taking God out of our society, out of schools, and out of the public places. This is a somber picture of our society. Are these signs of the coming of the end of time?
We may feel "powerless" about changes at the world level, but we should not lose HOPE: GOD has a plan for each one of us. HE sent His Only Son to save us and gives us eternal LIFE. For all of us, the most important battle is within our own hearts. As in the Book of Job, God allows temptation by the devil. But God also provides us with the GRACE to resist temptation. GOD LOVES EACH OF US. God is in charge of our destiny.
More than ever, it is time to remember that JESUS has already been victorious over death. It is time to TRUST IN JESUS AND HIS MERCIFUL LOVE. It is time NOW to return to God. TOMORROW MIGHT BE TOO LATE. Nobody knows the time nor the hour when God will call us back to Him. IT IS TIME NOW TO RECONCILE WITH GOD AND WITH OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. It is time now to GO TO CONVERT AND GO TO CONFESSION. Both Fr. Jan and I have talked about RECONCILIATION in our homilies last weekend. This is not the first time. It will not be the last time. ONLY RECONCILIATION WITH GOD CAN GIVE YOU AN AMAZING SENSE OF PEACE, JOY, LOVE!!! THESE ARE THE GREATEST FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!
We have some GOOD NEWS IN OUR PARISH! WE are most grateful to GOD that for the first time since Covid our CHURCH WAS PACKED last Sunday! It was a special event, a great EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION, a great FEAST! Parishioners lined up to go to CONFESSION TO BISHOP DORSONVILLE (over one hour). To have 400 people sitting in our church is a SIGN from GOD that we can return to where we were before Covid. We also have already a large enrollment of children/youth in our religious education classes (CCD): over 280 students and growing! Our lifeteen activities are strong. We are also most grateful to GOD for all the generous volunteers who continue making our parish a vibrant parish.
May GOD continue to protect our parish as a "family of families" seeking an encounter with CHRIST and being UNITED IN PEACE WITH CHRIST!
One in Christ,
Fr. Alain