What a joy for Abraham, his parents and his sisters: he just came back home right before Thanksgiving! He had been in the hospital/ rehab in Washington for nearly three months. His parents came every day and ensured that there was always one of them with him 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
For two of these months, Abraham was totally paralyzed and the only movement he could make was moving his eyes. I recall the first time Abraham could speak; he greeted me saying, “Father Alain”. I could not believe my ears. I had been seeing him every Sunday afternoon. I knew this was a miracle. When I asked him what do you want me to tell your friends in Waldorf, he responded without hesitation: “I will come home soon!” It took another month of progress through intensive rehab and now he is home.
Praise the Lord! Give Him thanks! How can we give thanks to God when He helped a miraculous healing as in the case of 13-year- old Abraham? I asked that question of many parishioners, including from the pulpit one week ago. I got several suggestions, including 13 continuous Holy Hours on the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception, a special Mass of Thanksgiving for Abraham, and inviting some well-known musicians to give a special concert at OLHOC during Advent. I was intrigued by the concert proposal which came from one of our musicians, Rick. He, in the end, came up with a Great Advent Concert with Steve Angrisano and Sarah Hart (famous musicians). It just happened that they were available on Wednesday, December 13. This fit in perfectly with our own Advent program..and it is now on! Abraham’s parents have asked me to thank all of you for praying for their son—God has been listening! Yes, it is a miracle.
In addition to our own direct prayers, many of you have been praying through the intercession of Father Martin who today must be smiling in Heaven, like the other saints who were begged to be intercessors. His parents have asked us to continue praying for Abraham in the coming days. He needs to regain strength, to re-adapt to going to school. They also appreciate the idea of the Advent Concert to give thanks to God. They are confident that Abraham will be there attending the Advent Concert with Steve Angrisano and Sarah Hart on December 13. It will be a joy for him, his parents and all of us. Let us pray through the intercession of Father Martin that Abraham will have a most blessed and joyful Advent and Christmas Season!
Let us pray that God will give the grace to Abraham to double the many talents/gifts He has given him and that as in the Parable of the Talents of last Sunday, his master, Jesus, can tell him: “Well done my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master’s joy.” Abraham has a great future ahead of him. Let us all give thanks to the Lord!
One in Christ,
Fr. Alain
Que alegria para Abraham, sus padres y hermanas: Volver a casa justo antes del Dia de Gracias! Ha estado en el Hospital y rehabilitacion en Washington por aproximadamente por tres meses. Sus padres iban diariamente y asegurarse de que uno de ellos estuviera con el las 24 horas del dia, siete dias a la semana. Por dos de estos meses, Abraham estaba totalmente paralizado y el unico movimiento que podia hacer era mover sus ojos. Recuerdo la primera vez que Abraham pudo hablar; me saludo diciendo, “Padre Alain”. No podia creer lo que escuchaba. Lo habia estado viendo cada domingo en la tarde. Supe que era un milagro. Cuando le pregunta que queria que le dijera a sus amigos en Waldorf, respondio sin duda: “volvere a casa pronto!” Le tomo otro mes progresar a traves de rehabilitacion intensiva y ahora volvio a casa.
!Demos Gracias! Como agradecer a Dios cuando cura milagrosamente como el caso de Abraham de 13 años? He hecho esta pregunta a muchos parroquianos, incluso desde el pulpito hace una semana. He obtenido varias sugerencias, como 13 horas Santas continuas en la Fiesta de la Immaculada Concepcion, una Misa especial de Accion de Gracias por Abraham, invitar a musicos populares para que den un concierto aqui en Maria Auxiliadora durante el Adviento. Estaba intrigado por la propuesta del concierto lla acucall vino de uno de nuestros musicos, Rick. Al final, menciono sobre un Gran Concierto de Adviento con Steve Angrisano y Sarah Hart (musicos famosos). Estaban disponibles el Miercoles, 13 de Diciembre. Se ajusta bien con nuestro propio programa de Adviento, y ahora lo tendremos! Los padres de Abraham me han pedido que agradezca a todos por orar por su hijo—Dios ha escuchando! si, es un milagro.
Ademas nuestras oraciones, muchos han estado orando a traves de la intercesion de Padre Martin quien estara sonriendo desde el cielo, igual que los demas Santos a quienes se les ha suplicado su intersecion. Sus padres han pedido que continuemos orando por Abraham en los proximos dias. Necesita fortalecerse, adaptarse para volver a la escuela. Aprecian la idea del Concierto de Adviento para darle gracias a Dios. Estan confiados de que Abraham asistira al Concierto de Adviento con Steve Angrisano y Sarah Hart el 13 de Diciembre. Sera una alegria para el, sus padres, y todos nosotros.
Oremos por la intercesión de Padre Martin para que Abraham disfrute de un tiempo de Adviento y Navidad lleno de bendiciones! Oremos para que Dios le concede la Gracia a Abraham de duplicar los muchos talentos y dones que le ha dado como cita en la Parabola de los Talentos del Domingo pasado, su Maestro, Jesus le podra decir: “Bien hecho mi servidor fiel y bueno, Ya que has sido fiel en asuntos pequeños, te dare grandes responsabilidades, Ven, comparte la alegria de tu Maestro.” Abraham tiene un gran futuro delante de el. Demosle gracias al Señor!
Uno en Cristo,
Padre Alain