The Altar Guild Ministry is the quiet ministry of the Lord, dedicated to helping the church reflect the beauty of God's love for his people. Guild members offer their time and effort to maintain the sacramental linens, Priest albs and vestments, and all inside plants. During Christmas, Easter and other feast days, Guild members decorate the Sanctuary, Altar, and other areas with floral arrangements.
Being a part of the Altar Guild is also a wonderful way to grow in holiness. You learn to work together as you grow in knowledge of the traditions of the Church, and you grow in holiness through service to the altar in many unseen ways that benefit our parish so much. A Catholic Altar is a holy place where vows are made and where the Lord daily renews His covenant with His people, and where the Holy Sacrifice is offered for the repose of the souls of our beloved dead. There is no greater ministry in any parish, and no greater way to help both our priests and our people.
If you would like to join the Altar Guild or would like more details please leave a message for Michelle Klein in the parish office 301-645-7112 or email [email protected]