Always a pious child and especially devoted to prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, when the brilliant St. Louis de Montfort (A.D. 31 January 1673 - 28 April 1716) reached the age of 19, he gave away all he had and resolved to live on alms. He was ordained a priest in Paris, worked for some time as a hospital chaplain, but then came to devote his time to preaching -- a task he was extremely gifted at. He went on to found the Daughters of Wisdom -- an Order devoted to hospital work and educating poor girls -- and the Company of Mary (the Montfort Fathers), a missionary group of priests.
St. Louis de Montfort had a profound devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and wrote extensively on the virtues of Our Lady, what true devotion to her consists in, and how the faithful need to turn to her as the way to her Son, Jesus Christ.
The 33-day journey which St. Louis de Montfort developed, consists of various prayers and readings to help the faithful detach themselves from the world and bond themselves more closely with Christ through the example and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
It was his devotion to Mary, though, for which he is most remembered.
Primera Parte - Doce días preliminares Tema: El espíritu del mundo Segunda Parte - Días 13 al 19 Tema: Conocimiento de si mismo Tercera Parte - Días 20 al 26 Tema: El conocimiento de María Cuarta Parte - Días 27 al 33 Tema: Conocimiento de Jesucristo
Oraciones en linea
Ven, ¡Oh, Jesús!, que vives en María; ven a vivir y reinar en nosotros, que tu vida se exprese en nuestra vida para vivir tan sólo para Ti. Forja en nuestra alma, ¡Oh, Cristo!, tus virtudes, tu Espíritu divino y santidad, tus máximas perfectas y tus normas y el ardor de tu eterna caridad. Danos parte, Señor, en tus misterios para que te podamos imitar; tú que eres Luz de Luz, danos tus luces, y en pos de Ti podremos caminar. Reina, Cristo, en nosotros por tu Madre, sobre el demonio y la naturaleza, en virtud de tu nombre soberano, para la gloria del Padre celestial. Amén.